Diving into the Robert Movie Series: A Fan-Made Venture

I want to chat about a series of horror films that have sparked some interest—and controversy—over the years. These are the Robert the Doll movies, produced and directed by the late Andrew Jones. Before we dive in, let's make one thing crystal clear: these films are fan fiction.

 Fan fiction lets fans and creators re-imagine beloved characters or stories in their own way, and horror is a genre where this can shine. Andrew Jones took the eerie aura of the real Robert the Doll and spun it into a whole series of films. However, it’s crucial to note that these movies are not authorized, endorsed, or supported by the Key West Art & Historical Society—the folks at the non-profit organization who care for the real Robert the Doll, hold the trademark on his name and likeness, and manage his legacy.

 Remembering Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones was known for his distinct style in the horror scene, often working with tight budgets. His B-movies see Robert the Doll fighting Hitler on a train in Nazi Germany, taking on Stalin and the Russian KGB on a doomed airline flight, and being brought to life with other dolls with the help of a book that carries magical powers.  Jones directed and produced dozens of other fan-fiction films through his Wales, United Kingdom-based North Bank Entertainment. These include movies inspired by The Amityville Horror, Poltergeist, The Last House on the Left, and Night of the Living Dead.

 Viewers mostly panned the low-budget tributes. Still, critics praised certain aspects of Andrew’s efforts, including his continued improvement as a filmmaker and his ability to complete and distribute the films with a minimal budget.   

 Sadly, the film community lost Mr. Jones too soon. He passed away in January 2023 after years of health problems tied to Cushing’s Syndrome that left him bedridden and unable to walk. He became ill shortly after completing his final entry in the fan-made saga, Robert Reborn. Andrew was just 39 years old when he died.

Wrapping Up

Andrew Jones’s Robert the Doll series is an interesting part of the horror movie world, but it's important to remember that these are unofficial, fan-made films. They offer a unique take on the legend of Robert, but they don't represent the true story or authorized depiction of the actual haunted doll. These Robert the Doll movies venture into sensitive territory by using a trademarked name and concept. It's a reminder that while fan creations can be fun and expressive, they should steer clear of using real-life protected elements without permission.

 The real Robert the Doll wouldn’t want it any other way.

You can read more about Andrew Jones's situation in his final years and support his wife’s fundraiser here.


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